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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

A Short History of the Russian Revolution

In 1917 modern fervour swept via Russia, ending centuries of imperial rule and instigating political and social changes that could cause the formation of the Soviet Union. springing up out of proletariat discontent with the Tsarist
and Lenin’s proclaimed model of a Marxist ideology, the innovative duration saw a whole overhaul of Russian politics and society and led at once to the ensuing civil warfare. The Soviet Union subsequently became the world’s first communist kingdom and the events of 1917 proved to be one of the turning-factors in international records, setting in motion a series of occasions which would alternate the complete route of the 20th century. Geoffrey Swain provides a concise yet thorough review of the revolution and the course to civil battle. by way of looking, with clean views, at the causes of the revolution, as well as the worldwide response, Swain gives a new interpretation of the events of 1917, posted to coincide with the one hundredth anniversary of the revolution.

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